This week's movie topic is all about Family Dynamics...
You're only as interesting as the family you come from. Many of us spend a lot of time hiding those "interesting" family moments! The movies are filled with dynamic families creating all sorts of food for thought and sources of laughter. Amy of The House of the Seven Tails suggested this topic to us. Here are some of our favorite families from film. Share on your blog the families the movies portray that struck a chord with you, linking back here at The Bumbles. And don't forget to visit your fellow participants!
so that is what is posted on the Bumbles Blog. So here are my favorite movie families (some of them are not traditional families, but some of the best families are traditional)
- Susan, Peter, Lucy and Edmund from the Chronicles of Narnia
- the Family Stone
- Harry Potter, Ron and Hermoine (which is better than Harry's uncle, aunt and cousin of course)
- the family from the Christmas Story
And now some ramblings:
I was called last night but Jo, the lady who calls subs usually extremely early in the morning, and I am subbing for the next 9 days for Choir...when I went in today I got the best surprise, we are watching the Phantom of the Opera. It's quite exciting because I don't have to listen to the kids complain about doing work, since they aren't doing work. So lovely. Also, I started reading the Help which I was supposed to read in July for my "book club." BTW my book club was made by my mom'a bff's sister because she wasn't allowed to join the one in her neighborhood since she didn't live on the block, how rude is that?. Well anyways, has anyone read it?