Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme by the Broke and the Bookish. This week is the Top Ten Bookish Resolutions which means anything book related, reading related, writing related, or book related.
1. Book Reviews: I have been slacking with my book reviews since I started my blog. I kinda think I really need to get better at doing them, but practice makes perfect right? Also what happens is I finish a book in the middle of a school day and start another one and all I want to do is keep reading the new book. I really need to work on this one, hence why it's number 1.
2. Reading challenges: I came up with reading challenges that I would like to do, but I have yet to actually post a blog on which ones I am doing. So this is sort of a short term goal, I just want to post about the challenges that I will be doing.
3. Read the lonely books on my shelf: When I go into a bookstore, I usually have to buy something whether its a book that I wanted, one I found on clearance that looks ok, or a magazine. So most of the books that I bought I think are getting kinda lonely, especially when they are in between books I read more than once. So, I am going to help my books be less lonely and read some of the ones that I bought but have not read yet. Yet being the key word.
4. Read TBR books: I have over 550 books on my TBR list, and it is getting bigger by the minute, so I really need to read some of these. So when I go to the library, I have to get a book off of this list, I can get books not on the list, but every time I go into my library I must get a book that is on my extremely long list.
So I am only going to do 4 resolutions since I have a few resolutions that I am already struggling with, even though it is only 11 days into the new year. But I would love to know, what are your bookish resolutions for 2011?
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