Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Top Ten Blogs/Sites that aren't about Books

For any newcomers...Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme featured at the Broke and the Bookish. This weeks topic is the Top Ten Blogs/Sites you read that aren't about books.

1. Never Seconds my sister just sent me the link to this blog today and I think I am in love. The blogger is a girl from the UK who writes about her school lunches. As a sub, I have had so many days in the cafe for lunch duty and I am always disgusted with the lunches (unless it's salad day, that actually looks edible). This girl, who calls herself VEG, is so funny. I can't wait to see what else she eats.
2. Lauren Conrad I loved LC on Laguna Beach, and then on the Hills, I enjoyed her books and I love this site. If I want to try something new to eat...I can go here. If I want to find cute outfit ideas/hair ideas...I can go here.
3. Elle and Blair...yes the Fowler sisters, I am a fan (you can call me a loser it's ok I've heard it before) This site is entertaining. If I am having a bad day and don't want to think, I can go here and well...not think.

these next 2 are gluten free blogs. I have been gluten free for 3 years now and it's nice to get some help with some ideas for holidays and parties and such.

4. Tartelette
5. Gluten Free Goddess

and now some just for fun (well there really all for fun aren't they?)

6.We Heart It this has some great things to look at I love it.
7. Pinterest who is't on pinterest now-a-days
8. Youtube...enough said

I could only come up with 8...but it was close. What's on your list this week?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, Never Seconds is going on my blog list NOW! Thanks for alerting me to that one - so crazy! And what a unique idea!

    Here's my Top Ten List!
